A piece of you and me!
- My name is:
- X-K3ndraaa
- My age:
- 47 Years old
- I live in:
- Ewell (South East)
- Like me?
- 5 Likes Like me!
Mon 16
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Fri 20
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Sun 22
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x-K3ndraaa(47) Writes:
I would so anything just to have a piece of you and you have a piece of me. My life is miserable due to the fact that I am not getting the amount of stamina that I need. I am out of eggs in me, that's why it's okay to have sex without protection when it comes to me! I want someone who is not afraid to do that and take you in raw! If you are really interested in me let's go to my place here in Ewell! It'll be fun I promise!
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