Can you make me happy in the bedroom?

- My name is:
- Tristana
- My age:
- 28 Years old
- I live in:
- Bangor (Northern Ireland)
- Like me?
- 23 Likes Like me!
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Tristana(28) Writes:
I am so unhappy in my marriage. My husband doesn't make me happy because he doesn't listen to what makes me happy in the bedroom anymore.He isn't interested in sex, and isn't interested in making me happy. Can you make me happy in the bedroom? Tell me what you'll do to make me satisfied? Will you be my sex sugar daddy?
I just have some simple questions for you, and I don't want to bother you.
I just want to know what your plans are, like what would you love to be able to do with me... Right now I have some ideas in my head but I am not sure if they could happen, you are the one who can decide.
I don't want a relationship out of this, but I want a committing combination, I just want to know that I can count on you for fucking!
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