Can you take care my naughty slut pussy?
- My name is:
- Pureofheart
- My age:
- 38 Years old
- I live in:
- York (Yorkshire Humber)
- Like me?
- 7 Likes Like me!
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Pureofheart(38) Writes:
So I know I need a man who is always there, but not many of you understand that... Anyway, I can at least try to make you like me! You must have noticed that I come from a really beautiful place and I have a lot of money to support myself. Don't worry, I'm not saying you're poor.
I just want you to know that anything you want is yours. I like to take care of my men, but my only request is that you treat me like your queen! Do you think you need a queen in your life?
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