Hello big boy! How big are you?

- My name is:
- Melanie
- My age:
- 38 Years old
- I live in:
- Gateshead (North East)
- Like me?
- 261 Likes Like me!
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Melanie(38) Writes:
Not your weight darling, or your height. I am after one metric, it's the girth of your cock. Reason being I like a good stretch. Probably due to the births of my kids. Talking of whom, they are staying with their dad during the covid crisis. So it is just me for now. I get to play with myself and a lover on Whatsapp from time to time. He is married and his wife has sussed something up he thinks. Or he is being paranoid.Anyway, whatsapp will do for now but I'd like more men to play with. Like 5 or 6. Ideal if one a day. I also favour locals so that when all is over we can make real love as opposed to wanking in front of our phones. Right?
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