I love pink, outrageous pink
- My name is:
- Esther
- My age:
- 49 Years old
- I live in:
- Tynemouth (North East)
- Like me?
- 121 Likes Like me!
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Esther(49) Writes:
I mean the color, not the singer. Although she can be outrageous too. I am a pinky girl. Underwear, lipstick and more. Like the tip of your cock.Although one could argue it is red when hard rather than pink. And purple after anal sex. My tight butt hole will squeeze you in. Most guys tend to come inside me that way far too quickly. Just very tight. Plus maybe the way I shake my booty.
I guess am a MILF and after 3 kids my vagina is a bit lose. So anal does it. I enjoy it too actually. Especially with men who never had the chance to experience it. Not many women let it happen. I know fine well, none of my colleagues do it. Unless they lie but I don't think so. What about you? You fucked a girl in the arse before?
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