I love to have two cocks in my holes!
- My name is:
- Kittykitten24
- My age:
- 53 Years old
- I live in:
- Ipswich (East of England)
- Like me?
- 5 Likes Like me!
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Kittykitten24(53) Writes:
I am hoping to meet someone who will be my fuck buddy on the down-low. I want someone who is not looking for a commitment or for anyone to find out about our sexual encounters. It's very discreet, and your cock will thank me later.
I have a dirty secret, well I think that all of me is a dirty secret, but this is the one I am referring to. I love to have two cocks in my holes at the same time. It's such a fantastic feeling, especially having two different sizes of cock filling all of my holes at once.
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