I love to play a nurse or a cop
- My name is:
- Verenaxxx
- My age:
- 30 Years old
- I live in:
- Tynemouth (North East)
- Like me?
- 31 Likes Like me!
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Verenaxxx(30) Writes:
Hi !Are you the man I'm looking for?
I had a dream last night and guess who was in it? A stranger. I know it must be a man here so I need to find him. I want you to feel hot and pumped up when I touch your dick. It will really make me wet under my panties. I am single and my pussy is going to waste.
Not a lot of people like role playing. I think most people are too insecure to enjoy it, but when you let everything go and fully commit to your role, then it could be very horny I think.
I love to play a nurse or a cop, and take care of you like you're my patient or that I am your prisoner, haha. Do you dare to play the game with me, and find out where it leads to, Jimjimtest?
Is there a specific role do you like to play?
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