I need to find a sexual companion
- My name is:
- Friendlybud
- My age:
- 30 Years old
- I live in:
- Slough (South East)
- Like me?
- 3 Likes Like me!
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Friendlybud(30) Writes:
My husband is in the military and is often deployed overseas. I find myself alone with my desires and my dildos. Sex and more sex, I have an insatiable appetite! I need someone to sleep with me, now and as much as possible. I see naked men, and I can't look at him, I would like him to be able to hit me with his body and fuck my whole pussy.
I have zero since my divorce, but my libido is only increasing. I need to find a sexual companion. Someone discreet and able to give me orgasms regularly. What are your desires? I often find myself alone with my dildos and my sexual desires. To be sure to be sexually fulfilled I need a man who can satisfy.
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