I only want you for your cock

- My name is:
- Tiffy
- My age:
- 58 Years old
- I live in:
- Coatbridge (Scotland)
- Like me?
- 31 Likes Like me!
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Tiffy(58) Writes:
Does it sound impersonal if I only want you for your cock and nothing else?! I want to be riding your dick as soon as possible.It's the truth.....
I have an insatiable sex drive and I'm single which means I don't get my fix from a partner on a daily basis. It gets boring if you're with the same man all the time anyway which is why I enjoy hanging out on these kind of websites so much.
Here I can contact like-minded people, who also want to have some uncomplicated fun without making much of a fuss about it. I think you are like this as well which is good cos Coatbridge is only a stone's throw away.
I haven't had sex in all of October yet and the month's nearly over yet I don't wanna be sexless for an entire month.... is it possible to borrow your cock tonight or tomorrow night?
X Tiffany
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