I want to explore my submissive side

- My name is:
- Dullce
- My age:
- 31 Years old
- I live in:
- Horsham (South East)
- Like me?
- 22 Likes Like me!
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Dullce(31) Writes:
Hi, I'm looking for someone from London who's extremely manly and dominant because I want to explore my submissive side. I know I can be kind of a control freak and I think that letting someone else take charge will be a very interesting experience.Right now I've never done anything like this before and we might have to get to know each other first, so that's kind of a bummer. I don't want to have to spend a lot of credits without getting a good return.
Do you think you could tell me a naughty story so I know you're up for the task?
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5 years ago
I love to sextalk. I want to know what makes you wet.
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