I want your attention to be on my nude body
- My name is:
- FortuitousNight
- My age:
- 59 Years old
- I live in:
- Hamilton (Scotland)
- Like me?
- 3 Likes Like me!
Mon 16
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- Morning
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Sun 22
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FortuitousNight(59) Writes:
Can you fill my body with pleasure? I'm not here to play games, I won't ignore the cry of my cunt, so you shouldn't either. I try my best to do as much yoga as possible to keep my body active, can you be my workout partner in the bedroom? When are we going to lie together on that bed behind me? Be my discreet lover. I am still married and I do not want us to get into any problems. I need you to satisfy all my lustful needs. I need you to give attention to my naked body.
My husband had never appreciated me. I was hoping that he would change but I am already giving up. I even have a feeling that he is cheating and I cannot remember the last time he satisfied my body.
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