It's so hot to have my pussy
- My name is:
- Eyesofstarlight
- My age:
- 57 Years old
- I live in:
- Salisbury (South West)
- Like me?
- 3 Likes Like me!
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eyesofstarlight(57) Writes:
I love sex so much that I have to shove a banana or cucumber in my mouth every now and then to relax. Unfortunately, my partner is unable to satisfy me completely, so I'm looking for men here who want to do it with me.
I always need a filling! It's so hot to have my pussy filled and then I'll take anything I can find. The banana just had to go, as you can see. But a cock is a cock and a banana is a banana, you understand? One can't replace the other. But I think you would have a very tasty cock for me, is that right?
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