My pussy has been so dry!
- My name is:
- Boobs69nestle
- My age:
- 27 Years old
- I live in:
- Cumbernauld (Scotland)
- Like me?
- 5 Likes Like me!
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Boobs69nestle(27) Writes:
A man that knows how to feed my pussy when she is hungry for a man's cock. My pussy has been so dry and it needs to be satisfied. I need to find someone who knows what a pussy needs and how to please her A woman who knows how to take care of your needs. I am not satisfied and my pussy wants so much more from a man's cock. It is so very hungry and I just need to find a lover who will feed it well. Do you like this view? Well, if you are a good boy, this is the view you are going to get after when I suck your cock! Deal?
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