This sex-addict needs her fix!
- My name is:
- LorenLaua
- My age:
- 51 Years old
- I live in:
- Southwark Inner (Greater London)
- Like me?
- 17 Likes Like me!
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LorenLaua(51) Writes:
G'morning, I'm Laura and I'm a sex-addict from London. I used to have a sex-partner living nearby but he fell in love with me and I didn't love him back. I ended it because I'm no girlfriend material, I'm not built to be with the same man my whole life, I'm built to run free but that doesn't mean no one can run with me for a limited amount of time.Granted, that last guy wasn't the best lover I ever had so it's only for the best we split ways. It was time for a change but I wanted to find someone else before we split ways. I have been sexless for a week now which is one week too long.
I need a new guy and I hope you aren't looking for a girlfriend. Then we shouldn't do this but if you're searching for a woman to ONLY have sex with - we should talk. If you can think you can handle a nympho like myself I hope we get in touch asap
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