What do you think of my boobs?
- My name is:
- RiseUp
- My age:
- 60 Years old
- I live in:
- Yeovil (South West)
- Like me?
- 90 Likes Like me!
Mon 16
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Sat 21
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- Morning
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RiseUp(60) Writes:
know many people who are feeling lonely and that I because of our inability to be alone, I don't have that, I like to be alone and I can be with myself and be happy with only me, myself and II really love to meet someone not because I feel alone but because I think that we can have a great time together and have fun together and perhaps you can give a great sex life as well?
We can be friends or more that depends on you, what do you want?
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Get in touch with
Steve Reeve
4 years ago
Sounds interesting! Do you want to email me at [email protected]? Photos and details would be nice. I could be your cup-of-tea! Steve
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