What I need for a one night stand
- My name is:
- Inocence
- My age:
- 38 Years old
- I live in:
- Lewisham (Greater London)
- Like me?
- 26 Likes Like me!
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Inocence(38) Writes:
Hiii honey! This is something I really never do.I do not set any requirements except:
* Hygiene: I really don't like men who smell and do not shower
* Safe sex: I never do any sexual contact without a condom unless I trust you.
* Kissing: I love kissing and expect lots of them
* Give oral: I want to give and receive oral.
That seems to me to be quite reasonable?
Do you have something to add here? Any suggestions? I would love to hear it!
Will we hit it off you think?
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4 years ago
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