Who is capable of bringing out my dirty side!
- My name is:
- Theprettygem
- My age:
- 50 Years old
- I live in:
- Blackburn (North West)
- Like me?
- 2 Likes Like me!
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Theprettygem(50) Writes:
My heart is currently hurting, but I am trying to live my life regardless. I don't have many adventurous friends, so I want to find someone here who will keep me distracted. I'm searching for someone who can bring out the naughty and nasty part of myself! You will scream with joy at my terrible talents in bed, I promise! A few months ago, I committed the worst mistake of my life and ended up filming a purportedly private sex tape with my ex-boyfriend, who was far older than you. Since he was older, I assumed I could trust him and that he wouldn't show anyone the film.
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