I still have needs and lusty desires
- My name is:
- Oldiesgoodies13
- My age:
- 60 Years old
- I live in:
- Belfast (Northern Ireland)
- Like me?
- 98 Likes Like me!
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oldiesgoodies13(60) Writes:
My name is Adriana and I live in Belafst together with my husband. I love him a with all my heart but he has been disabled since a few years and he is unable to have sex with me anymore.I never cheated on him before but I still have needs and lusty desires which aren't being fulfilled now. I rather would not be here but this is one of the safest options to look for someone on the side. If I go chase guys at the pub someone my husband knows will surely see me and I will get caught.
I wish my situation was different but I will have to make do. You could be of great help to me but I hope you will be discreet. If you are interested in a secret affair with me, send me a message and I'm sure we can set up a meet and fuck somewhere later this week. Maybe Thursday?
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