48 year old looking for a hot threesome!
- My name is:
- LynnMarilyn
- My age:
- 53 Years old
- I live in:
- Ayr (Scotland)
- Like me?
- 23 Likes Like me!
Mon 16
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Sun 22
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LynnMarilyn(53) Writes:
How's it going? Had any sex this weekend? I did, with a 28 y/o girl I made out with women numerous of times but I never went this far with one. I met this super hot chick at a pub in central London and she was really determined.She hit on me as soon as she laid eyes on me and minutes later we were making out big time right there in front of the bar. Men were cheering us on but we didn't care. We kissed until our lips went dry and then I took her to my place where we got naked and she took real good care of me. I will tell you the details later but she made me cum so hard
We exchanged numbers and she wants to come over again soon but she said she wants a man present. So maybe one of you guys?
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