I am an angel but demon on bed!
- My name is:
- Theteamofluck
- My age:
- 25 Years old
- I live in:
- High Wycombe (South East)
- Like me?
- 2 Likes Like me!
Mon 16
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Sun 22
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Theteamofluck(25) Writes:
My colleagues say I'm a angel and just sweet. But secretly I'm also a little devil. I keep imagining how I can escape from everyday life and what I would do if I did. Don't you sometimes just want to escape from everyday life with a great person by your side?
My boyfriend always just wants me to be the sweet angel by his side, but there's also a little devil slumbering inside me who likes to be brought out, especially in bed. Since we're both still young, I thought there might be a spark between us, we're both still full of energy. Are you someone who loves a thrill or do you like to let others go first? I hope you take the opportunity and get in touch with us or we can just snap sex or fuckbuddy are you up?
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