Sex is my favorite pastime
- My name is:
- Livetreassures
- My age:
- 36 Years old
- I live in:
- Weston-super-Mare (South West)
- Like me?
- 2 Likes Like me!
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Livetreassures(36) Writes:
I love sex and that is something that probably won't change at all. I need a partner who can adapt to that. Sex is my favorite pastime. When I'm in bed with a man, I can't think about anything else, you could say it's the best way to escape a little too.
I see you're in what's really close to my city. Would you like to be my handsome dominant? I'm quite capricious in bed, but if you manage to dominate me properly, it would be even more exciting.
One day I was with a stranger, he fucked me in all the positions he knows how to do, but in the end I was not satisfied at all. How much can I trust you to really fill me with happiness? meet me at Weston-super-Mare
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