I'm looking for a man who will treat me like a princess


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Claudia M(29) Writes:

Hey, I'm Claudia! I'm on here to find a boyfriend. I've never had one, and now I think it's time that I did. I am a stunning woman with a heart of gold and I'm looking for a man who will treat me like a princess. Will you?

I have never had romantic sex either, so I need someone who is caring and patient and will show me exactly what to do. I want to experience it all and feel amazing. I am ready for this, more than ready in fact!

I'd like an older guy with a beard, I find this so sexy! Do you have facial hair?

I see we both live in London, my parents are going away for two weeks, do you want to come round? I'd like to try out the sex thing before we take things any further. Do we have a deal?

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