I only want fun. Sex, eating out
- My name is:
- Finestylehere
- My age:
- 47 Years old
- I live in:
- West Bromwich (West Midlands)
- Like me?
- 4 Likes Like me!
Mon 7
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- Morning
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Fri 11
- Morning
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Sat 12
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Sun 13
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Finestylehere(47) Writes:
Every time I make it clear that I am not looking for a relationship, that I only want fun. Sex, eating out, doing something fun together, but that was it. No claim, no stability, but independence and freedom. But every time it goes wrong because the other person still wants more.
Can you handle a free woman who only wants to enjoy? And of course I will support you when you are having a hard time, but we will remain free! Are you that man?
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