I'm affectionate, honest, kind, intelligent & funny!
- My name is:
- Touchme55
- My age:
- 43 Years old
- I live in:
- Harrogate (Yorkshire Humber)
- Like me?
- 23 Likes Like me!
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touchme55(43) Writes:
I'm affectionate, honest, kind, intelligent, funny (sometimes) and kissable of course! The list goes on lol. So if you like what you see and are intrigued by what you just read and think we can have a good time together.. dont be shy ... be my guest!Of course I may be horny and naughty but I will just do it with the right man. As long as you are interested in getting together with someone who loves to live life to the fullest I am your girl. Just ensure that you can keep up and that you have what it takes to drive me wild with pleasure
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