Want to have a horny threesome?
- My name is:
- Thesweetstar
- My age:
- 45 Years old
- I live in:
- York (Yorkshire Humber)
- Like me?
- 4 Likes Like me!
Mon 16
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- Morning
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Thesweetstar(45) Writes:
Do you want to have a threesome? We could meet today and then we can have a threesome. My girlfriend is here too. We're already making out hotly! Do you think that's hot? I like being topless, but I just don't dare to do anything more than that, I'm too shy. Even at home when I cook I can do it topless without any problems, but I don't dare to be completely naked.
Someone could see me. Now I have the idea that if I meet up with lots of men and can get over myself and get completely naked, I'll definitely lose my shyness, and while I'm naked, all I need to have fun is you.
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