Are you finally ready? Ready to flirt back?

- My name is:
- BadWarrant
- My age:
- 33 Years old
- I live in:
- Hackney (Greater London)
- Like me?
- 2 Likes Like me!
Mon 10
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- Morning
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Wed 12
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Thu 13
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Fri 14
- Morning
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Sat 15
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Sun 16
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BadWarrant(33) Writes:
We do not have to be friends. Let's just be fuck buddies! I am not good at this but I am sure of what I need. I need a reliable fuck buddy! I also miss sucking a cock so I decided to be here. You have NO IDEA of what you'll be missing out on if you don't flirt back!!! I have a gift card for two people at a HAMMAM (Turkish bath) with a massage. Ohhhh!!!! I need someone to join me and though you might be keen. Imagine the two of us getting a massage each and then relaxing in the pool before heading over to my place for a BLOWJOB you'll never forget. Are you finally ready? Ready to flirt back?
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