Do you have any taboos when it comes to sex?
- My name is:
- Juicybear
- My age:
- 25 Years old
- I live in:
- Doncaster (Yorkshire Humber)
- Like me?
- 1 Likes Like me!
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Juicybear(25) Writes:
I think it's great that you live in Doncaster, so it's not far for regular sex! It would be nice if we both didn't spend a long time writing back and forth, but arranged to meet up for massage sex.
But please no run-of-the-mill sex. I've had enough of that recently. I'm more interested in trying out crazy positions, pushing boundaries. Maybe breaking taboos. Do you have any taboos when it comes to sex? Just tell me a time and I'll be right there with you!
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