I'll show you just how SLUTTY I can be
- My name is:
- Learnthetruth
- My age:
- 43 Years old
- I live in:
- Reading (South East)
- Like me?
- 4 Likes Like me!
Mon 16
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Sun 22
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Learnthetruth(43) Writes:
I long for a guy who came here specifically looking for a fuck buddy. Never try to get romantic with me. I can be your fuck buddy if you will be playing your cards right. I do not care if I will be seen as a slut as I get the fuck that I want! I look slutty, I feel slutty and I need to show you just how SLUTTY I can be. I don't need to see you naked right now. I love a bit of mystery until it's time for the dirty deed, hehe. Reckon you want to be the first man in Norwich I fuck the shit out of since my divorce? I'm sorry. That sounded weird. What I mean to say is that I haven't fucked anyone at all since my divorce. When did you fuck a Norwich lass last?
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