Do you think it's horny to take a clit piercing at the age o
- My name is:
- Xmelissa65
- My age:
- 59 Years old
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- Barnsley (Yorkshire Humber)
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xmelissa65(59) Writes:
Haha I guess it is. I got one a couple of weeks ago but to be honest I'm satisfied with the result. It feels funny when I walk and it looks pretty good I think. Getting that thing was a total midlife crisis move but that shouldn't spoil the fun.Now I'm curious how sex feels like with this thing thru my clit. I've been told it should be AMAZING now so I really want to find out. Good thing I can talk to men in the Greater London area online these days Are you going to talk back to me baby? I hope so haha, I want to show you my piercing so you can give your opinion
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