I am looking for something new and exciting!


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Saddy Steady(39) Writes:

As steady and as steadfast as they come for most things!! However when it comes to men and being pleased by a man in general all things steady and steadfast change immediately as the tigress deep inside of me comes out to play and taste all of the delicious desserts that you have in store for all of my starved caves!!

When will we meet? I'm single again, it's not fun but sadly I'm used to it. I think that I'm going to turn into a lesbian! Haha, no I'm kidding but in some way, I suck at relationships! But honestly, I'm open to someone new to have fun and sex with. I can't keep living without sex like this!

If you are interested, could you tell me how far you would like to go with me? Maybe just sex or maybe more? Maybe you have a friend who could join us for a threesome? As I said, I'm open to new experiences!


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Saddy Steady

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