I hope you like what you're seeing!
- My name is:
- DiamondLifeXx52
- My age:
- 57 Years old
- I live in:
- Birkenhead (North West)
- Like me?
- 30 Likes Like me!
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DiamondLifeXx52(57) Writes:
I hope you like what you're seeing because I could really use a man like you in my life. Not in my life in a way that we will live together, but in a way that we come together on a regular basis to have a nice day together and end up screwing each other's brains out The focus should be mainly on the screwing part obviously.In short I'm looking for a fuck-buddy and you seem like a pragmatic man. I think you wouldn't mind having a buddy like that living at reasonable distance, do you?
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