Just been talking to my handsome little bulldog Humme
- My name is:
- Chatsy
- My age:
- 42 Years old
- I live in:
- Carlton (East Midlands)
- Like me?
- 93 Likes Like me!
Mon 16
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Tue 17
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Fri 20
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- Morning
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Sun 22
- Morning
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Chatsy(42) Writes:
Just been talking to my handsome little bulldog Hummer. But he doesn't talk back :(Oh well. I'm looking for a guy, but not to talk. I'm looking for a guy to fuck. That's what online dating was made for and I intend to use it as such.
I feel like committing a sin (or more) this Sunday. How about you? Going to church today?
This ad is listed under category:
- Small tits
- 40 to 50
- Shagging
- Blowjob
- Riding dick
- Pussy licking
- Meet and fuck
- Free sex
- Affair
- Sex without condom
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