Searching for a nice gentleman
- My name is:
- KissXPeenny
- My age:
- 42 Years old
- I live in:
- Wigan (North West)
- Like me?
- 10 Likes Like me!
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KissXPeenny(42) Writes:
I am looking for a really nice gentleman to be my online friend. A caring, honest and reliable person who is attentive and supportive. I don't want you to be the serious type but I want you to have a good sense of humor and knows just how to make a girl happy.
I am just a loving and old fashioned girl who still believes that friendship is very important before getting into bed with someone. I am just judging those who do but for me, I like to take things slowly. I like to first see if we have a connection before getting emotionally involved. if you feel the same, then we should chat
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