Park somewhere and wait for someone

- My name is:
- Hettie545
- My age:
- 65 Years old
- I live in:
- Dunfermline (Scotland)
- Like me?
- 35 Likes Like me!
Mon 10
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Tue 11
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- Morning
- Afternoon
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Thu 13
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Fri 14
- Morning
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Sat 15
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Sun 16
- Morning
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Hettie545(65) Writes:
It has been 3 months since I broke up with my ex and I am still having a hard time. This really needs to stop. I need to find a man who will make sure that I get what I want again, someone who will make me happy.What if I told you I'm going to get in my car this afternoon and park somewhere and wait for the first bloke to come up to me so I can suck him off in the backseat?
I'm going to ask 10 blokes if they're interested but I asked you first so I'll wait half an hour before I send it out to the other 9.
So... hurry up and meet me for carsex!
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