Looking for a serious relationship
- My name is:
- Finepuredove
- My age:
- 52 Years old
- I live in:
- Glasgow (Scotland)
- Like me?
- 3 Likes Like me!
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Finepuredove(52) Writes:
Eager to find some friends who are outgoing and love challenges. I love to do anything risky just to feel the rush of adrenaline through my veins. I tried different possibilities, but nothing worked. Especially this long-distance relationship thing, for me, it doesn't make sense. Without physical presence, I believe nothing can work. I never got married, I never found the one I wanted. I'm going back to hunting. Looking for a life together. I am indeed in a relationship but staying in a relationship that has no meaning or purpose, I no longer see the point.
Monsieur prefers to stay alone at home and come see me whenever he wants. It's no longer possible, it's not my vision of the couple, I prefer to start from scratch, hence the fact that I'm here. What are your prospects for married life?
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