Fuck me hard and make me squirt!
- My name is:
- Goldentreathere
- My age:
- 53 Years old
- I live in:
- Yeovil (South West)
- Like me?
- 2 Likes Like me!
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Goldentreathere(53) Writes:
Unfortunately, I am single and I don't want to accept that anymore. If no man wants to come to me, then I'll come to the men. Don't get me wrong, I don't depend on a man, I earn my own money and have my life under control. But isn't it nicer to have someone by your side with whom you can share all the happiness you have in life?!
You know, there are so many problems when you're single, but one of them is that you're constantly alone and your needs aren't taken care of. But I don't just like to take, I also have a lot to give. Don't you want to know what all that would be? I think a man from Yeovil would be perfect, we wouldn't have much distance between us. Would you like to tell me whether you're looking for the same thing as me or something completely different?
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