My talents as a good cocksucker
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WriteMe2(51) Writes:
I get a gag when I suck my partner, he stinks like a fucking skunk. Don't I have the right to a clean cock? So, I fantasize about a fuck in the shower! Do
you need an expert cocksucker? I'm at your disposal.
My partner knows that I'm very slutty. In exchange for a divine blowjob, what would you make me suffer?My talents as a good cocksucker should not only be useful to my partner. He's a fucking skunk.
He doesn't know the art of good fucking. One time, I swallowed his entire cock, and since he refused to let it out of my mouth, we spent the whole morning in blowjob. Afterwards, I liked it, but he went a little too far. Do you prefer anal or oral sex?
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