I'm a master at flirting!
- My name is:
- Harley Flirt
- My age:
- 27 Years old
- I live in:
- Birmingham (West Midlands)
- Like me?
- 28 Likes Like me!
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Harley Flirt(27) Writes:
Harley here! I'm a master at flirting! I know just what to say to get you in the palm of my hand! I will pay you compliments and act sexy and coy until I've got you in my bed. Do you want me to put this skill into practice?I only ever go with men who have big dicks! Why would I want to use all me effort up and then get a dick that could never satisfy me or fill me up! It's not going to happen! I need a big dick that will stretch my tight hole and feel amazing inside me. You must know how to use it to maximum effect too!
I love foreplay, giving and receiving, there's no rushing with me! Take your time to warm me up, get my senses on overdrive and we will have red-hot sex! Let's give it a try!
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Get in touch with
Harley Flirt
4 years ago
Call me 07817326517
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