Hope that you'd like to lick a wet slit?
- My name is:
- Yourfancylove
- My age:
- 22 Years old
- I live in:
- Shrewsbury (West Midlands)
- Like me?
- 1 Likes Like me!
Mon 16
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Fri 20
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Sat 21
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- Morning
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Yourfancylove(22) Writes:
I always hate it when people say: Tell me something about yourself. I think it's better when people just ask me what they want to know. I'm happy to answer everything honestly, but I also expect honesty and openness from the person I'm talking to.
Hey, you're definitely interested in doing my job? I love my fingers in my pussy, but it would be even nicer if a man like you could make me squirt. I don't feel like dating an old man, and anything over 35 puts me off, so I'm writing to you in the hope that you'd like to lick a wet slit?
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