Have you ever had a one night stand?
- My name is:
- BlowAwaynow
- My age:
- 28 Years old
- I live in:
- Weymouth (South West)
- Like me?
- 15 Likes Like me!
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BlowAwaynow(28) Writes:
I want to have some fun. I want to explore myself more. Do you think you can help me with that? Let's make each other good today. I will do everything for you. I want to make sure that this is going to work for us.Let me make clear to you that I'm not looking to drown myself in a committed relationship. I'm just here to have fun, although some men don't get that message. Especially all the older ones who think they're so mature and have all the answers.
Screw them!!
I would much rather be with you instead. At least then I know I will be getting a lot of adventure and fun. More so than I do now for sure!
Did you ever have a one night stand?
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