I need rough sex today!
- My name is:
- Happyfacechris
- My age:
- 44 Years old
- I live in:
- Trowbridge (South West)
- Like me?
- 2 Likes Like me!
Mon 16
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happyfacechris(44) Writes:
I'm in a relationship and I want to keep it that way but when my boyfriend is away for weeks it's not good for me and I need a replacement Hi, I need rough sex today! Will you give me what I want? No fuss and no blah blah. I gonna sent you a recent photo.
I'm in a relationship but I don't want to talk about it much. Right now I'm just worried about sex. Since I don't have to work tomorrow you can come to my place now. Are we going to stay all night tonight and fuck our hearts out? I'd be happy to come and pick you up, should I leave NOW?
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